It's not merely about raising awareness for the sake of people being aware. PAIL Awareness Month is about honoring our babies and speaking out about the dignity and value of their lives, despite how brief. It is about others learning about this type of loss and how to better support those who are experiencing it. It is about others becoming aware of just how many people are impacted and the importance of research being conducted. It's about connecting with others walking similar journeys and building a network of light to walk with through the dark. It's about others learning about ways to protect their own babies and being vigilant to do things such as count the kicks.
It's not just a cause. These are our babies.
Here are some ideas for how to get involved in bringing awareness (don't feel like you need to do all or even any of these. Take care of your heart.):
Remembrance Walks
Multiple cities across the United States have Walks during the month of October, to raise money for organizations that give back to the loss community, and to remember the babies of Heaven. You can click here to see a list of some of the Walks around the country. If you don't see one in your area listed, you can do a simple Google search to make sure it's just not been added. If you still can't find one, consider starting one yourself! :)
Candlelight Ceremonies
As with Walks, there are also many candlelight services around the country. You can click here to find one in your area, or do a Google search. Again, if there isn't one local to you, consider starting one! This is a precious time of remembering your baby, as well as the babies of others in your community, and connecting with a support network.
You can order some of your own candles with the PAIL Awareness Ribbon by clicking here. These are only a couple dollars and would be a great way to include everyone in your family.
Wave of Light on October 15th ~ PAIL Remembrance Day
Speaking of Candlelight Ceremonies, these often coincide with Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, which is October 15th. The Wave of Light starts at 7 p.m. and creates a wave of light across the globe! It's an incredibly beautiful way to connect with others all over the world. 🌎
Go Pink and Blue
Get creative in thinking of ways you can go pink and blue! How can you wear/share the awareness ribbon/colors this month?
Consider changing your photos on social media to the pink and blue twibbon (click here to do so).
Get a PAIL Awareness ribbon magnet for your car. You can find it cheap on eBay by clicking here.
You can paint your nails in the pink and blue awareness colors, or order some fun stickers! Invite your girlfriends over to do their nails too. Make it a fun evening. :) You can order some inexpensive stickers on eBay by clicking here.
Put out a garden flag in front of your house. Decorate your baby's spot.
Capture Your Grief Photography Project
Carly Marie started this a few years ago and it's grown to be quite popular in the loss community. It's a way to bring awareness, to share our babies, and to find deeper healing. I've participated in years past multiple times and always look forward to it. Click here to learn all about this year's project!
Get a special necklace, pin, bracelet, etc. with the PAIL Awareness Ribbon or colors. You can order certain things in bulk to share with friends and family. They can get conversations going at their work places and with others they know. It's a ripple effect of sharing and speaking our baby's names. :) You can click here to see some options on Etsy.
Held Your Whole Life has a gorgeous PAIL Awareness ring they are offering now. Click here to see more photos and to purchase.
Name Project
Doesn't it mean the world when someone remembers our baby by name? Consider a little project of your own this month if you feel up to it. Write the names of the little ones who you've grown to love in knowing their parents. It can be a positive way to love on others and honor your baby at the same time. You can write them in the sand, on leaves, on flower petals, etc... the possibilities are endless really!
Random Acts of Kindness
You could figure out some acts of kindness to do in honor of your child this month, leaving little cards with information about PAIL Awareness Month and your child.
You could create comfort boxes to be given to parents experiencing the loss of a baby at your local hospital. Be sure to contact them first to be sure they are able to accept them.
Invite Others
In whatever you choose to do, invite your loved ones to do it with you. This is a way for you to love your baby together. This is a way they can support you, which they probably are wondering how to do. Invite them with you to a Walk or Candlelight Ceremony. Start a team for the Walk to raise money together. Have them over to light a candle for your baby together.
This month would be a great time to share some movies and documentaries with loved ones. You could have a viewing at your home, to watch Return To Zero or Still Loved.
Order some buttons or bracelets in bulk and ask your family to share about PAIL Awareness Month on their social media pages. You could order some t-shirts with your baby's name, birthdate, and photo on it for everyone to wear. There's no telling how many conversations can be started and how many times your baby's name could be spoken! :)

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