Many of these people send me photos of Lily's name, whether it be written in the sand or snow, or on a sign somewhere, or simply a photo of a blooming lily or a butterfly. Some of these people send cards or notes, flowers, and gifts. I even have a hard time keeping up with sharing all these special things (a good problem to have).
March of course is when more people especially remember her with me, around the time of her birthday. But really people remember her all year, just as I do. And I am grateful beyond what I could say for each of you.
Your remembrance and thoughtfulness lifts my heart and carries me through my days without her. It carries me through the weeks, the months, the years, my life. Having others to care about her with me makes the missing her lighter. Because here she is, a part of each and every day, a part of the lives and worlds of so many across the world. I thank Jesus that He puts it on the heart of many people to make me feel like the mother I am. I don't know what I'd do without you all. Really the opposite of what I fear is what happens... instead of the years passing and the remembrance fading, she is loved by more people with each new year. π πΌ π

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