I saw these beautiful words on a baby's headstone on vacation in South Carolina when I was looking for inspiration for Lily's stone - "Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest. God called thee Home, He thought it best."
I am clinging to this on what is a very difficult weekend for me... Mother's Day. God thought it best to call Lily Home and I find comfort in that. It doesn't take away the pain of days like Mother's Day or the rest of my life without her, but I trust that He holds both of us in His mighty hands. He was not surprised by how brief her life was and has a purpose and plan even in that.
As JJ Heller sings in one of her songs, "Life is short, but it is wide, I know it's true. You touched more souls than most people ever do."
He called me to be a mother to a child of Heaven and because He has called me to this, I know He will sustain me each and every moment. Oh my baby girl, I'll see you soon. I will always be your mother and you will always be my daughter.

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