Some scenes caused my heart to weep over the lives lost and the pain and regret that touches many people because of abortion, while other scenes caused my heart to soar because of the hope, redemption, and restoration we have in Christ. It is incredible how dance can capture many deep emotions.
My mom and I were so moved watching this together, especially as the credits rolled across the screen that showed the film dedications, "to the children who never had a chance to dance," including #mytwoLs - Luke Shiloh and Lily Katherine. They had sections for babies who were lost through abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, shortly after birth, and those who were given the chance to dance through the loving choice of adoption. It's always special to honor both my babies at once.
It is not only a gift for those who've experienced an abortion, but for everyone. It gives a glimpse into this journey and hopefully will help others have more compassion and have a fire ignited to help other women not have to live with this regret.
Thank you Sandy, for the hard work, dedication, courage, and vulnerability it took to put this together. God is using it to help heal hearts.
❤️ Seraphina and Simon ❤️
You can watch Arise Sweet Sarah on Amazon Prime or on Vimeo below (email subscribers click here).
For more, visit the Arise Sweet Sarah website and Facebook page.

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