These names are of children of Heaven who are missed every day by their families here. Their names mean they existed and they are important. For the bereaved parent, out baby's name is one of the only things we have left of them, and we treasure it.
It means more than words could ever say to me when others speak, write, or type Lily's name, so I wanted to do a little something for some of the parents I've connected with over the years. To let them know their baby is thought of and remembered by others too.
I know there is no way I could have remembered everyone, so if I didn't write your baby's name, I apologize. I wrote until it got too dark, I got too tired, and the snow melted.
It's sad to think of the loss represented by each of these beautiful names...
The white snow matches/reflects their innocence and purity. ❄️❤️❄️ #LilysLegacy #sanctityoflife
I wish I had the time/energy/snow to write the names of each and every baby missed, but since I can't, I wanted to share a photo for any bereaved parent who wants it. It's based on the book "Love You Forever," which was written by a bereaved father named Robert Munsch for the 2 babies he lost. This photo is dedicated to each and every baby who will be loved forever by their families.
Here are my sweet L's names written in the snow. :)
As I was writing the names in the snow, all 3 of my nosy kitties took a special interest in what I was doing. 😏 I had to contend with constant curiosity, sneak attacks, and tiny paw prints. 😆😜😘 🐱
