Tuesday, October 4, 2016

PAIL Ribbon Nails

I did my nails with the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness ribbon in honor of PAIL Awareness Month! These are decals with a light-colored nail polish on top. I found the decals for only $2 with free shipping on ebay. I love girly things and this is a fun way to start conversations each October. ðŸ’•ðŸ’™

The ones I ordered came in a pack like this, with enough to do my nails a couple times. They are easy to apply, with instructions. 

Here are some more decals I got to try.



  1. I just placed an order for 2 packets!
    Thanks you for sharing this.
    Love you!

    1. You're welcome!
      I'm so glad you like them. I wish we could have a special "girl time," doing our nails, and talking about our love for Jesus and our girls. 💕

    2. We are planning to go to Niagara Falls on the 15th to see the pink and blue lights on the Falls for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month! Meet us there! = ) TRULY wish you could come!

    3. That's amazing! I'm sure it'll be beautiful! I've seen pictures in years past. I really wish I could go. Maybe one day. Please share photos! :)
