Day 4: Support Circles
October 4, 2016 ♥

-Click here to see all of my photos from CYG 2016.
Day 4. Support Circles: Have you felt supported in this journey of grief and healing? Maybe it is a friend, family member or organization that has been there for you. Share how they have helped you and let them know how grateful you are. Please feel welcome to post links if you would like to share about a charity or support group.
Over the years since Lily was born, countless people have supported me in my journey of grief and healing.
From the friends I've met online through my blog, social media, and other websites (some I've not yet met "in real life," though they are considered some of my dearest friends), to the friends I've met locally, such as the ladies of Covered in Love Ministries (the support group I go to every few months at least), to close friends and family, and even my sweet kitty.
This photo was taken at Lily's burial service and I think beautifully captures the supportive family I have and the love we all share for Lily.
Each person who has spoken Lily's name, written her name in the sand all over the world, cried with me, asked questions about her, my pregnancy, birth, etc., celebrated her birthdays, lit candles on significant dates, sent cards, gifts, lilies, and allowed me the honor of sharing my girl whether through reading my words or hearing me speak somewhere. My friend Heather even wrote a song all for Lily! .... Each one of you are my support, and I am grateful God brought you into my life.
As a side note: a couple groups online that have helped me are S.O.B.B.S. (Stories of Babies Born Still) and Still Mothers (for mothers without any living children). It helps so much to have others to talk to who "get it." As a single woman without any living children, I have found it especially important to find others that I can open up to. ❤️

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