Day 31: Sunset Reflection
Day 31. Sunset Reflection: We have come to the end of this Capture Your Grief experience so take a big breath and a long sigh. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken part this year and especially for allowing me the grace to grieve and take my own time with posting my daily subjects... On this last day, take some time out to watch the sunset from wherever you are in the world and reflect on this last month. How do you feel? What have you learned? What did you dislike? What did you like?I can hardly believe the month of October is ending, and thus so is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, a time of year very close to my heart.
I've enjoyed being a part of the Capture Your Grief Project this year... sharing my Lily and hearing more about your babies has been healing and an honor.
My sweet friend Elise sent me this picture from Lily's spot (decorated for PAIL Awareness Month) and I thought it was perfect to share today. She captured the photo at sunset and though it's difficult to tell in the photo, the sky was pink and blue, the PAIL Awareness ribbon colors.
Much love to everyone who participated! 💕💙
-Click here to see all of my photos from CYG 2016.

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