Day 20: Gratitude
Day 20. Gratitude: I remember when I started on this journey of grief, people always said count your blessings and be grateful for what you have. I remember wanting to scream in their faces! But I took note of what they were saying and I started keeping a gratitude journal. I started writing down anything I felt grateful for and before too long, gratitude lifted me out of a dark pit of despair. What are your thoughts about gratitude? Do you feel it and if so, share something you are grateful for.I'm grateful for the 40 weeks and 2 days I carried Lily beneath my heart. I'm grateful she knew my voice and could feel my love. I'm grateful for each time I heard her precious heartbeat, for each time I saw her on the ultrasound screen, for each gentle flutter or hard jab. I'm grateful for each picture and each keepsake item. I'm grateful that I was given the gift of her and that sacred time with her here. I'm grateful for the comforting knowledge that her entire life on Earth was peaceful. I'm grateful that she only ever felt warmth and love, never sadness, cold, pain, jealousy, or any of the other things that can make life hurt. I'm grateful she never felt salty tears running down her cheeks or felt ugly or not enough. I'm grateful she was never bullied and never had her heart broken. I'm grateful she is safe with her Creator and that we'll be together again. I'm grateful for each day I wake up with breath in my body and have the opportunity to serve Jesus and share of what God did in me through my little girl. I'm grateful for each person who remembers and celebrates her with me. I'm grateful that she is mine and I am hers. I'm grateful that she knew me and I her. I'm grateful that the bond we shared can never be severed.
-Click here to see all of my photos from CYG 2016.

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