Day 1: Sunrise Dedication
Day 1. Sunrise Dedication: Let us celebrate the beginning of this healing month by waking up early to watch the sunrise wherever we are in the world. Step outside into the fresh air and take some time to breathe the sunrise in. Watch all of the colors of your world transform before your eyes. Spend some time reflecting upon what you want your intention for this month to be. Maybe even come up with a word for your intention so that you can write it down and revisit it each day. If there is no visible sunrise in your part of the world because of the weather, that is okay, this is life and mother nature. All that matters is that you take the time out of your day to be with us all in spirit and make space for a new beginning. Take a photograph of your sunrise where you are right now and if you post it online share what State/Country you are in and the time of the sunrise. You can google the sunrise time in your part of the world and set your alarm if you are a sleepy head like me. Send some love out to everyone else in the world who is grieving the death of a child and remember those gone before us who were made to grieve in silence. We honor these people too.
I wasn't able to get a picture of the sunrise here in Raleigh, North Carolina (and it was cloudy anyways).
I instead thought I'd share this beautiful sunset I captured on October 1st last year in Windsor, Colorado. The sky reminds me of the PAIL Awareness ribbon colors. 😊💕💙
This project is dedicated to my little flower, Lily Katherine, who I will love and miss forever and a day. She is with the One who crafted this sky, these mountains, and everything lovely in life. And He holds her and my heart.
-Click here to see all of my photos from CYG 2016.

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