My niece's due date was yesterday and there's still no indication that she'll be born any time soon. I feel a peace about it all though, even though she is going over her due date. I know the Lord is holding us all in His hands and that He has her date of birth and everything planned out perfectly, according to His will. Please continue praying that He would keep mother and baby healthy and that she would come soon... but not too soon, meaning this weekend when I am out of town, because...
I graduate tomorrow! My parents, one of my brothers, and I are on the way to Lynchburg, Virginia this weekend for my graduation from Liberty University. My grandmother and a couple aunts are planning on coming as well, so that will be a blessing to celebrate with them. And I'm trying to convince Bumma to come back here with us so she will be here when little one arrives. ;)
I have more to share about Mother's Day and my graduation, but there's no time... still have to finish that last paper that it due today, so I can walk across that stage tomorrow.
Until next time!

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