I met one of my heroes, abortion survivor and pro-life speaker, Gianna Jessen!
Her speech was beautiful, powerful, hilarious, inspirational, and memorable. And it reminded me so much of my dear friend, Bonnie, who has a similar story of surviving an abortion and now living with cerebral palsy, yet so passionately in love with Jesus and life and victorious over all the things the enemy meant for destruction.
I am blessed to have met Gianna after years of knowing her story. I was able to share a bit about both Bonnie and Lily.
If you're unfamiliar with Gianna Jessen, please take the time to watch this video of her speaking. You won't regret it! There are so many things I could say about how her testimony has impacted my life, but I'll let you just be moved by listening to her yourself. (Email subscribers click HERE).
You might recognize Gianna because she recently testified before congress to get Planned Parenthood defunded. Here is that video (it gives me chills!) Please share these videos... Gianna is a face for the unborn! (Email subscribers click HERE).
Here is a hilarious moment from the banquet. Gianna was talking specifically to the men about standing up and being strong men who protect, defend, and cherish women and children. She told them to picture blue paint on their faces (think Braveheart) and to leap like valiant warriors and yell "freedom!" This is what ensued. (Email subscribers click HERE).

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