Because there are a lot of people in "internet land" that don't know me "in real life," and we can't sit across from each other in a coffee shop, sharing our hearts and stories, I want to clear a few things up.
I would assume that because I am post-abortive myself that people would know I don't hate post-abortive women. How could I? But apparently that is not the case. So just to be clear: I may post on the topic of abortion more often than you would like. I get that it's an awkward, heated, and sometimes painful thing to think on and discuss.
But you see, I can't stay silent about it because I've seen the truth of how it devastates people's lives. I hate abortion. I hate Planned Parenthood and what they do. But I *DO NOT* hate women/post-abortive women (I am one, remember). I *DO NOT* hate the people performing abortions and those who work in Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. Don't believe everything you hear about the "extremists" who only want to bomb abortion clinics and kill the ones performing abortions. That is not true Christianity. I hate abortion, but I love everyone touched by abortion. And because I love them, I want them to know the truth about abortion.
For the ones who have already had abortions, or those who are involved with it, know it isn't too late for you. And if anyone makes you feel like it is, know they don't represent the Jesus of the Bible. He came to rescue sinners and to bring freedom, redemption, and restoration. I get how you're feeling because I too have been made to feel that somehow my sins are too big to be within the bounds of God's mercy and grace, as if abortion is in a class of sin all its own. And I get that it's painful to see the undercover videos being released recently on Planned Parenthood. I can hardly bear it that I gave PP $350 to end my own child's life. Sometimes we have to face what we've done and realize there's grace even in that.
For anything I've ever said/written/posted that has made you feel judge or condemned, even though unintentionally, I'm sorry. Being pro-life means being pro-EVERY-life: for the babies, the moms, the dads, the doctors, the nurses, etc. I am not primarily *against* abortion, but rather I'm *for* life, freedom, victory, joy, hope, redemption, and grace.
I cannot remain silent... For the many women I've come in contact with over the last few years who were betrayed by the lie of "choice," the women who have sent countless messages and emails back and forth with me, sharing the grief that only mothers who've regretfully chosen abortion have experienced, the women who remember my child on that dreadful day, February 6th, and who I remember their child with them. For Lily and Luke, who cannot speak for themselves, but I have the honor of speaking for them. And for the other little ones in the womb, the ones without a voice, but with a beating heart, proof of life.
If abortion has touched your life personally, I am here for you if you need a listening ear and someone to pray with you. Some resources I recommend:
-Project Rachel
-Silent No More Awareness
-The Life Ballet
If you'd like to share any other resources for post-abortive mothers to let them know they are not alone, please feel free to post in the comments.

Thank you so much, Hannah for sharing your heart. Abortion is definitely not an easy topic to discuss, but definitely something that needs to be discussed more. I recently wrote a blog I pray your testimony touches others!