I am so thankful for friends that have helped me see Lily is not being forgotten by others as the years press on, though I fear she is.
My friend Brittany wrote the following in an email this week:
"So funny how you can think so much about a child you have never even met. But seeing your posts and pictures, just going about my day, I think about Lily and Luke a lot. Who would have ever thought they would make this great of an impact?"
My friend Karen from Australia wrote in an email this week:
"As for your feeling that more people are forgetting dear Lily....I cannot look at a Lily flower the same way again, it will always remind me of you and your dear daughter and the story of redemption God has worked in your life...Isn't it good I have lilies in my backyard? :)"
A couple days ago, my best friend/sister-in-law Kala was talking about something, which I won't mention specifically here. But it was something that most people wouldn't think twice talking about and how it would be hard for me to hear about it. I tried not to show how it hurt my heart, thinking about Lily, yet she already knew it would. She was so kind, sensitive, and loving towards me and reassured me that there will never be another Lily Katherine and that she is very special to her. I told her that just hearing her be sensitive and understanding like that makes a world of difference.
And truly, it does. Having people love Lily and I, think of her, and express that to me, I cannot tell you how much that eases the pain. It lightens my load in a way I cannot describe. I am so thankful to the Lord for blessing me with the friends that He has. And it makes me smile to know Lily is being thought of, even when I'm unaware, by people across the many states and even the world.

I think of Lily & Luke as though I have met them. Your story has become a part of my life. I especially have you and your children on my mind as I sew yellow butterfly pillows for the Pregnancy Center Baskets.