Just this week, when I was visiting Virginia for a few days, we finally picked out the yarn and stocking pattern, which we've been wanting to do for a long time. I told her that it's making me excited about Christmas, even though it's still summer. ;)
We had originally planned on going to Michael's, but were on the historic downtown mall in Charlottesville, Virginia and she reminded me of a shop there called The Needle Lady, which is owned by someone our family knows.
I would much rather support a local business in my home area and the area where Lily's final resting place is than a chain store, so we went there instead. I'm so glad we did! The store is so adorable and had so many options for us to choose from. The gal working in there (the owner's daughter) was really helpful.
I already had an idea of what I want, it was just a matter of choosing the specific type of yarn, shade of the colors, and what size and shape I want the stocking to be. I knew I want the colors to be pink, red, and cream - Christmasy, Valentiney, and perfect for a little girl. Just like Lily's stone, I knew I want her stocking to be small, the perfect size for a baby.
These are the colors of the yarn we picked out! I like them more and more as the days go by.
All the yarn was made in Turkey. We also picked out some red, cream, and green felt mini balls to be used as embellishment on the stocking. And Lily's name will be at the top in cursive. I'm also thinking of including a little lamb on it. My grandmother and I discussed all the details of how I want it to look. She is going to be starting on it soon and said it won't take long at all (what takes the most amount of time is deciding on everything).
I am so excited! Thank you so much, Bumma, for doing this for Lily and I!
You can check out The Needle Lady on Facebook! You can also purchase things from her shop online if you are interested.

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