On March 11, 2010, I had my last prenatal doctor's appointment and my last ultrasound. It was the last time I would hear Lily's heart beating, the last time I'd ever see her moving around with life within her. How was I to know there wouldn't be a lifetime ahead?
On March 13, 2010, I went to my friend Candy's baby shower. We met when we took classes together for pregnant moms at LifeCare Pregnancy Center in Raleigh. Her daughter was born a couple months after Lily. That was the day the last happy picture of me pregnant with Lily was taken. I was proud to show off my enormous belly and proud to say I was due the following day and that Lily would be arriving at any point. I was in major pain that day and felt like a whale. I was definitely ready to get Lily out! Looking at this photo now, I can hardly believe I was that big! In a way, I remember what it was like to be pregnant, but in a way, I have forgotten a lot about what pregnancy is like. That evening, my sister, her friend and I ate dinner at Pizza Hut (one of my biggest pregnancy cravings were the personal pan cheese pizzas there). I remember feeling so happy that night.
March 15, 2010 was the last full day I was pregnant. I knew Lily would be coming so soon!
March 16, 2010 was the day Lily was born. She arrived at 4:24 p.m., weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 21 inches long. The day unfolded unlike anything I ever could have imagined.
And March 17, 2010 was the day I left the hospital without Lily. It was St. Patrick's Day. I remember seeing people wearing green.
Those seven days are what I consider to be "Lily's week." And then of course the later dates in March when we had her celebration of LIFE service and burial.
In a way, it's painful to have a mind that remembers dates so much. Each date has a vivid memory and the feelings associated with it. But, I am thankful to remember. I pray I never forget. As the years pass, the pain during the month of March is less intense. It is more like a lasting dull ache. An ache that I have learned to live with it. Though the month of March does have a way of bringing out my emotions more.
Today was the first day I can remember for a long time actually crying. I was thinking about Lily and it hit me suddenly that I have a child who is not here. A child who I will never know so many things about. I mean, I always know that, but sometimes it really settles in my heart, ya know? I thank the Lord He has healed my heart as much as He has in the past four years. I thank Him for getting me through each day. I truly would be lost without Jesus.

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