I have a couple words that I want to carry with me throughout 2014...
Discipline - in every area of my life.... physical and spiritual. This year, I want to get healthy and in-shape. I want more discipline in prayer, time with God, going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, more time studying, arriving early rather than late, getting organized, among other things... a lot of this is between me and the Lord. But, I know that He is calling me to live a more disciplined, focused life.
Simplify - My life has felt so hectic and busy lately. I want to simplify my life in many areas. I want my life completely focused around my relationship with Christ. I feel the Lord asking me to give up some things in my life in order to make everything about Him. This is not going to be easy, but it is so worth it.
I don't like the idea of having "new years resolutions." To me, it seems to be setting yourself up for failure. I prefer to say these are my dreams and prayers for the new year...
I hope to go to the March for LIFE in Washington D.C. again this year! The march last year was AMAZING and such a memorable experience. My mom will probably we going with me again and we can hopefully meet up with some more friends and family. I am thinking that I won't speak this year since I did last year. I want to be able to soak up the experience and walk around to see more after the march. I also don't want to be overwhelmed and thinking about my speech so much.
I want to continue doing well in my college studies. I want to get the most that I can out of the B.L.A.S.T. Mentoring that I will be participating in through September. I want to pour myself into each thing God has given me.
Writing goals: I want to make BIG progress on writing my book and proposal. I want to continue writing articles for pro-life websites and news sources.
Speaking goals: I want to make speaking a more regular part of my life... I also want to broaden the audiences that I speak to. My ultimate goal is to become a full-time writer and speaker. I am praying about God's plan for my current job situation... I feel as if some new things are on the horizon and I am just waiting to see what He has in store.
This year, I want to *finally* make it back to Chattanooga, Tennessee to go to the National Memorial for the Unborn. I am beyond ready to place Lily's brick and Luke's name plate. I will be having a special remembrance ceremony in Luke's honor. This is something that keeps getting pushed back and it is time to go.
I want to keep volunteering at the pregnancy center and perhaps get more involved with post-abortion ministry... I am not sure exactly how this will look.
I want to reach out to babyloss families more this year... through donating hospital comfort boxes, as well as other ways.
I want to grow in my photography.
More than anything, I truly want to make this year count by making it ALL ABOUT JESUS. I am praying He continues to open up big doors for me to share my story and His love and light. I am praying that He moves in many ways in my heart and life. We will see what 2014 holds...
What words do you have for 2014? What are your plans, dreams, goals? :)
*You can read my Reflections on 2013 post HERE.*

I hope your dreams for this year come true! Not sure about my direction except to stay in God's will for my life.