I was in Virginia for several days last week to celebrate Thanksgiving. On the morning of Thanksgiving before going over to spend the day with my family at my Uncle's house, I went to the cemetery to decorate Lily's special spot for Christmas!
When we got into town the night before (on Wednesday) my brother Adam, mom, and I went to Michael's in Charlottesville to pick out decorations.
Here is Lily's beautiful stone looking so sweet for the Christmas season!
I wasn't sure how I wanted to decorate it, but I am so pleased with how it turned out. I wanted it to look simple, sweet, old-fashioned, and Christmasy. I picked out the cutest mini-Christmas tree (on the left), a red and green big bow (tied around the lamb), and an arrangement of different things for the vase (a candy cane, rose, Christmas holly, and another piece with pinecones on it). Also, a Christmas berry wreath fits perfectly around the vase. I love how the rose and tree look like they have snow on them.
Here I am on Thanksgiving right after I decorated it... in my Christmas jacket. :)
We also decorated my Grandfather and Aunt Rachel's bench for the Christmas season. Here are both their spots with the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain background.
My grandmother and I at both our girls' special spot (Lily and my Aunt Rachel... as well as my Grandfather).
With Lily Bear in her Christmas outfit on the last day I got to visit Lily's spot before leaving for North Carolina where I live.
I can't wait for springtime when the grass will grow through the dirt from the stone installation.
I haven't seen Lily's stone since the weekend it was installed. For some reason, it was quite emotional for me... I miss her especially at Christmas. I wish I was getting her presents, rather than decorating her stone. I wish I didn't live so far from her stone and didn't have to wonder if the wind and rain was ruining her decorations or if they are blowing away. I wish I could decorate her spot myself as often as I want. I wish I could just go sit there in the stillness by myself to think and pray. I spent some time this trip just sitting on the ground, staring at her stone. I truly can't get over how perfect and beautiful it is.
Lily's stone has now been decorated for fall and Christmas. I am thankful I got to be there on Thanksgiving Day, but oh how I wish I could stop by the cemetery on Christmas Day and her birthday (and other special dates)... I still haven't been able to be there on her birthday. I really would like to be there one year for her special day.
I am thankful that I was able to make it so special for my sweet girl for Christmas... it's coming up on the 4th Christmas without her. How can it be?!

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