CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF 2013 Photography Project
for October-Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Day 5: Memory
October 5, 2013 ♥
Day 3. Memory: What memory do you have of your child that stands out for you the most? It may be a positive or negative memory. When you think of your child what is the first memory that comes to your mind?
When I think of "my little flower" as I call her, there isn't just one thing I think about. I think of her beautiful life and legacy. I think of how God revealed to me that she was a little girl to be named Lily Katherine. I think of how precious she looked when she was born and how she looked like my mini-me. I think of what a treasured time my pregnancy was and how thankful I am for those nine months of sweet memories made. I think of my ultrasounds and how I loved each time I got to see her or hear her heart beating. I think of her nicknames and how it felt when she'd squirm around so much.
There are many, many things I think about when I think of Lily. One memory I've been thinking of recently is the trip we took to Philadelphia when I was around 28 weeks pregnant. It was just after Christmas in December 2009. What a special and lovely trip that was. We kept talking about "Lily in Philly." I thought it would be nice to share a different memory than what I might usually share. :)
-To see all of my photos from the photography project click HERE.
-To share your own photos on the event page and to see the lovely photos others are sharing click HERE.

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