CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF 2013 Photography Project
for October-Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Early in my pregnancy, the Lord revealed to me I was carrying a little girl named Lily... Lily meaning "purity and innocence." She was a symbol of my renewed purity and redemption in Jesus Christ. I had just turned 20 and was unmarried, in an unplanned pregnancy. I was praying about her middle name when God gave me Katherine. I had no idea at the time that Katherine also means "purity."
On March 16, 2010, my precious Lily girl was born at full-term. It was that day that I heard those dreadful words that will forever echo in my memory... "I'm so sorry, her heart is no longer beating." Lily's name took on a whole new meaning. She will forever be pure and innocent. I call Lily "my little flower." Her name is so beautiful to me. It sounds old-fashioned and just so happens to be names in my family. You can read more about the meaning and significance of Lily Katherine's name HERE.
Lily was born that stormy Tuesday afternoon at 4:24 p.m. She was 7 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches long. She looked just like her mommy, same nose and lips. She had just a bit of dark hair... she was perfect and beautiful in every way.
Lily is forever loved, missed, honored, celebrated, and remembered. She is a beloved irreplaceable daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin. She is with her older brother, Luke Shiloh, in Heaven. One day, I will be with them again.
Lily will never grow up on earth, so I will never know who she would've been. But I know she is dancing with Jesus for all Eternity. Her identity is WITH HIM. Her identity is her beautiful legacy that will never be forgotten.
-To see all of my photos from the photography project click HERE.
-To share your own photos on the event page and to see the lovely photos others are sharing click HERE.

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