CausePub (short for Cause-Publishing) is a community of storytellers working together to create best-selling books that directly impact specific causes. Read more about how it works by clicking here.
The CausePub team first creates a book project. This specific project is called Couch Rebels: Because Stories Like These Aren't Told by Potatoes.
What’s the book all about?
Couch Rebels is a crowd-published book project. It contains 86 of the most inspiring true stories from 79 incredible storytellers! Couch rebels are people who have been outside their comfort zones (whether voluntary or involuntary) and have allowed those experiences to change their lives. While the rest of society is imitating potatoes, couch rebels are learning, growing, and experiencing the incredible things life has to offer. These moments of adventure provide us with our best stories. Nobody’s going to tell their friends about how they watched football five years ago on Sunday afternoon. But for the rest of their lives they’ll talk about the time they backpacked through India or when they fed a homeless person. These stories inspire us, challenge us, and give us hope. These stories are packed inside this book.
Then the CausePub team partners the book project with a specific cause.
THE COUCH REBELS CAUSE: CLEAN WATER - Click here to read more
320 million Africans are without access to clean water. For every copy of Couch Rebels sold, the organization, Blood:Water Mission, will be able to provide three people with clean water for one year. The goal of this Cause is to sell 15,000 copies, which means that 45,000 lives can be directly impacted through your participation in this CausePub project! Be part of our strategy to reach this goal. Buy the book!
Then people submit real-life stories that go along with the specific book project (that's where I came in, along with hundreds of others). An acquaintance of mine told me about the project because she knows my story and thought I might like to get involved. So, with just a few days to decide what I wanted to share, I quickly got it together, following the Couch Rebels guidelines. The editors then have to first approve your story, before family and friends can "vote" for it (thanks to everyone who voted for me!)
After the deadline, the editors choose which stories to publish in the book based on votes and their own professional opinions. The list of authors chosen to be published was announced a couple weeks ago, which is when I scrolled down to see my name! I didn't have much time to get it together, so honestly didn't think I would be chosen. I am so honored and excited that I was!!
Couch Rebels was released as a Kindle eBook today - August 14th, 2013! (don’t own a Kindle? No problem. Click here.) My good friend Sarah gave me her old Kindle this past weekend... just in time to get the book I co-authored on it. :) Thanks, Sarah!
You can practically get involved by providing clean water for a year to three people in Africa, all from the click of a button. And also support my writing and read many other inspiring stories! It's really a win-win situation. :)
Please share this with your friends!
HELP US MAKE IT A BEST-SELLER ON AMAZON BY SNATCHING IT UP TODAY. In order to reach more people with the book and to provide more clean water to those in Africa, please purchase the book today - August 14th. If you wait until tomorrow, it might be too late! Also, if you have time, please write a review on Amazon to help us stand out as our ranking climbs.
I am so honored to be involved with such a worthwhile project... thank you CausePub for choosing to share my story! I pray the Lord uses it to open more doors for me to share my precious Lily and Luke.
My friend Sarah sent me this photo this morning. It's so cool to see my name/photo/bio on her Kindle!! I love that the book was published right in between my birthday (August 12th) and my spiritual birthday (August 15th). Thank you Lord for another open door!!
Thank you SO much for your support!!

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