Here is what Carly Marie (the creator of this special day) had to say about it:
"This day was created to get people to start talking about the real meaning of Mother’s Day. Do you know who started it? Anna Jarvis founded the traditional Mother’s Day to honour her mother who experienced the death of 7 of her children and somehow through the years it has turned into a commercialized mess that card companies make millions of dollars from, but the worst thing is that bereaved mothers are completely forgotten.
This special day was created in 2010 to honour and celebrate the mothers who carry some if not all of their children in their hearts rather than their arms. In our modern day society, mothers who are grieving the death of their babies and children are usually forgotten. The traditional Mother's Day has proven to be an emotionally difficult day for so many mothers around the world. Just because your baby died does not mean that you are not a mother anymore. You are your baby’s mother forever and people need to start recognizing this fact."
You can also read what Carly Marie wrote about this special day in a post on Still Standing Online Magazine. To help raise awareness for this beautiful day take some flowers from the flower gallery, found on the facebook page and Carly Marie's website. Post them as your profile image on your favorite social network. Post them on your friends walls on facebook and let them know they are beautiful mothers. Also, use the images on your blogs or websites.
We celebrate, remember, miss, and love our precious little ones lost through stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, and any other type of baby or child loss. I am thinking of all you mamas out there with some, if not all, your children in your heart, rather than your arms. I pray you find peace in knowing that they are safe with Jesus.
This flower is for everyone who has lost a child, despite the circumstances. Thank you for being there for me on this journey of grief and healing. And thank you to those of you who remembered me today and honored my girl. I will share later what I did special for the day.
♥ Lily Katherine and Luke Shiloh ♥
"On May 5th we invite you to break the silence on loss and show the world you are STILL STANDING after loss and infertility by sharing a picture (or two or three, or as many as you like!) on facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest. Include the hashtag #iamstillstanding to connect with and find others participating."
I am still standing as a single babyloss mama, after losing my first two children - Luke Shiloh, who went to Heaven at 6 weeks gestation in February 2009 and Lily Katherine, who was stillborn at fullterm on March 16, 2010. I promise to always be their voice in this world, which is why I am still standing and still speaking! Two babies who never spoke a word or took a breath danced into my heart and life and have left me changed forever. Their lives and legacies will echo into Eternity. I'm so thankful God gave me the gift of being their mama and one day, I will be reunited with them again. What a glorious reunion it will be, the three of us together at last! One day, I hope to have more children to raise on earth, but for now I will love my two in Heaven with all that is within me. #iamstillstanding
Much love and hugs,

I got to enjoy my little angel for 5 months, before she spent the next 11 months in the hospital under oxygen. I'm glad she's with Jesus now, but I dearly wish I could have raised her and seen her develop into a lovely adult.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and comfort you.