I had the honor of being interviewed for an article on LifeSiteNews.com, which is one of the top Pro-Life online news sources! The article published today - May 1st.
Read the article here:
A post abortive mother shares her gripping story of choosing life for her second child, and her struggle to embrace the tragic outcome.
I thought the writer, Christine Dhanagom, did a wonderful job telling my story. I was quite pleased with how it turned out! She really captured my heart and passion. She summarized everything well, which is always difficult to fit all the details into a short article. Though, since it's my personal story, there are always important things that I wish could have been added. :-)
About three weeks ago, I emailed LifeSiteNews, sharing my story with them as a "News Tip." The very next day, I got a response from one of the editors, saying they wanted to interview me for an article! I was so excited because I wasn't really expecting anything to come of it when I submitted my story. I didn't even know people could send in "News Tips" until that night I did.
This was my second official interview - and my first phone interview. The WORLD Magazine article was an email interview. I was feeling a bit nervous about it, not knowing what to expect. I wanted to make sure I had appropriate answers to the questions I would be asked. I reached out to my friend, Caroline (who wrote the WORLD Mag article), and asked for her advice since she regularly interviews people. She said some things to me that I know I will carry with me always. She said if they wanted to hear my story and perspective on it, what was there to "prepare" for? She said I should just tell it like I remember it and how it made me feel. The story is already in me. It's mine. And she told me I shouldn't worry about having to sound a certain way and that the story would speak for itself.
I really took Caroline's advice to heart. As soon as the interview started, I just felt so comfortable and at ease. I thought to myself, "this is exactly where I'm supposed to be and exactly what I'm supposed to be doing." I have the desire to share my story so deeply etched into my heart that I have no choice but to share with anyone and everyone I can. God has given me this desire and passion.
The interview went better than I expected. God truly gives us what we need (whether that be strength, grace, peace, courage, or words) the moment we need it. I prayed before the interview that He would fill me with His words and give me the answers He wanted me to give. I felt so passionate and so alive as I retold my story to this reporter and answered her questions. The interview was over in about 45 minutes. I tried to tell it the way I'd tell a friend in an intimate setting. I didn't think about the fact that my quotes would be in an article to be read by hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Each time I share my story, whether speaking in front of an audience, or in an interview, I want to tell it like I'd tell it to someone sitting across from me at a cozy little coffee shop. I never want to lose the authentic feel of someone whose telling their personal story. I never want to get caught up in sounding "polished" or any certain way that I lose the genuine passion. Christine was very sweet when she said my story was beautiful and she was honored to tell it.
It is exciting to have so many opportunities to share my heart, my passion, and my story. I am blessed to know the lives and legacies of my precious Lily and Luke are touching more people than I ever could have imagined! All these doors are opening and I know it's in God's time and way because everything is just working out. With each new step, He is teaching me to trust Him more with the steps to come. I know that He is preparing me for a future that only He can see.
I'd love it if you'd read, "like," and share the article! :-)

Such a beautifully written article about Luke and Lily. You are amazing for giving them a voice in this world.