I participated in the March for Life in D.C. in January and got to share my story in front of the Supreme Court with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign! That was such an an amazing opportunity and I will never forget how powerful being part of my first March was. I hope to go back many more times!
This upcoming Monday, I will be finishing the Forgiven and Set Free Bible study that God has led me to take to further my own healing and to bring me to a place of being better capable of ministering to other Post-Abortive women. I will be sharing much more about this soon!
Lily's headstone has been ordered (which I've wanted to do for three years!) It is being made as I type this and it's so, so beautiful and perfect for my girl. Can't wait to share it here! :)
I won't be going this month to visit the National Memorial for the Unborn to have Luke's Remembrance Ceremony and place his name plate and Lily's brick paver in the Memorial Garden. Unfortunately, things are a little too crazy right now for that...but, I am definitely still planning on going this year (hopefully in the late summer).
Next week (the day after my Bible study wraps up), I will officially start training to a be a volunteer counselor at my local Crisis Pregnancy Center! I am super excited about this. It is an amazing Center, has incredible staff, and God has clearly led me there. I will share more about this soon as well! :)
I am also hoping to get involved with leading a Post-Abortion Bible study.
I am still working on my new website to minister to Post-Abortive men and women. I will be launching that later than I wanted to...but that doesn't mean it won't happen!
God has been opening up many doors for me to share my story, both through speaking and the written word.
I was profiled for an article in WORLD Magazine.
I was interviewed for an article in LifeSiteNews.
I shared my story on CNN's iReport.
(And there are some other articles/posts in the works).
I was asked to speak at two Pregnancy Center Banquets this fall (one in Illinois and one in Kentucky!) I am so happy about this because I am very supportive of Pregnancy Centers...especially since I went to one myself when I was pregnant with Lily and it was such a place of hope! I also have some other speaking opportunities locally, so we'll see what comes of that.
I started my Hannah Rose Allen: Pro-Life Advocate facebook page for people to keep up with my ministry that way. "Like" it? ;) I also made a Twitter and Instagram account, in case you're interested.
I've connected with more amazing Pro-Life advocates and heard some more beautiful stories of LIFE.
I started sponsoring a child from Compassion International! I will be sharing more about this within a few days.
Lily's name is going to be in the credits of an awesome movie coming out!
I have a new audio recording of me sharing my story now. Feel free to take a listen.
My brother, Joseph, and best friend, Kala, got engaged in March and we are busy preparing for their fall wedding. So excited!
Luke's 4th Heaven Day was in February and Lily's 3rd Birthday was in March.
I participated in the Walking With You Series, hosted by the amazing Sufficient Grace Ministries.
I finally got in contact with a hospital representative about donating comfort boxes to the hospital where Lily was born to comfort others facing the loss of their precious baby. I am hoping to get the boxes completed and donated very soon.
As I said on January 1st, every year, I literally could never plan or predict how God is going to move. I never could have imagined all He'd do in just four months! (and this isn't even everything) I'm excited to see what the next eight months of the year will bring! My passions only continue to grow and I know He must have some amazing things in store. It is truly incredible to watch His plan unfold and to know that it is truly only because of Him that all these beautiful things are happening. He is so good and His plans for our lives are better than we could ever dream! Remember that. And remember that whatever you are going through right now, God is preparing you for a future only He can see. :)

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