Thursday, March 14, 2013

Our Little Spud - the Anniversary of Lily's Due Date

Lily Katherine was due three years ago today, March 14th, 2010 (National Potato Chip Day), so one of her nicknames is "Spud." :)

Ironically, the food I ate nonstop during my pregnancy were hashbrowns. I craved them daily and enjoyed them homemade, as well as at all different restaurants. It's only appropriate to make eating them a tradition each year on this day, in honor of our little Spud. Mom made them for breakfast - some soft and some crispy, just the way I like them. And with ketchup. Delicious!

Though Lily was not born on March 14th, it was the day she was due, the date I associated with her my entire pregnancy and shared that date when people asked how far along I was. So naturally, I still think of her on this date. I thought it sounded like such a pretty day to be due. I always liked even numbers better, rather than odd.

I love having special days/memories/cute stories like this to share with others...because the fact is, I hardly got to make any memories at all with my first-born babe. And things like this remind me that she was real! She was truly here. That may sound confusing to some, but to me March just helps remind me and others around me that I didn't just lose an idea of a person, but a real, living, important, special precious daughter.

My sweet friend Naomi, from Blessings Close To My Heart (who lives in Canada), took this photo for me today! Aww, I love it! Thank you so much, friend...for being so thoughtful, having hashbrowns for Lily, and capturing it in a photo! :)

My friend Kyla, from Tossie's Tree and Painted Rocks (who lives in Missouri), shared this photo with me of the hashbrowns she made for her family to eat for dinner! She said this: "Just wanted to show you what my family had for dinner...Homemade hashbrowns! I even added red peppers for Lily  Much love to you today and this weekend. " Thank you for doing that and for taking a photo. It means so much to me! And how precious that your whole family had them. :)

My blog friend Jaime, from Handprint On My Heart, shared this photo with me today. Her precious daughter, Claire, was due on March 10th, 2010...just four days before my Lily girl! Claire came unexpectedly early, on October 1st, 2009 (Luke's exact due date), and also now lives in Heaven. Hearts remind Jamie of Claire and she has sweet photo collages each month of all the "winks" Claire sends, whether to her directly or through friends.

Jaime posted this photo on my facebook and said this: "I thought I would share a few of Claire's winks in honor of your Lily's due date... I think they just might put a smile on your face! x o"

Thank you, Jaime! This is so sweet and certainly did put a smile on my face. :) I am glad I could share with you that today is National Potato Chip Day! This photo is special obviously because of the chips, but also because hearts remind me of Lily from my Valentine's-themed baby shower! And it's sweet to have so many dates and things in common with you.

I thought this was pretty neat...a lady on facebook saw my status about what today means to me on my Lily's Legacy facebook page and said this: "That is so weird. I craved them today and ate them. So I guess Spud is on my heart." How precious! :)

I know due dates mean different things for people who have lost babies. For me, the due date is a special, happy memory because I was still carrying Lily and was oblivious to the fact that she was already gone. Due dates are probably more painful for those who lost their babies early in pregnancy because they should have been pregnant up until that time and due dates are a reminder of what should have been. Lily's birthday is a reminder to me of what could have been...

This evening, mom and and I are going over to our neighbor "J's" home, just one house down, for a special celebration. In the past year, we have gotten really close with her. Two years ago, around Lily's 1st birthday, we found out her daughter "A" shares Lily's birthday, March 16th! She will be turning 10 on Lily's 3rd birthday. Since we all have our own plans on Saturday, we still wanted to celebrate together. I suggested doing it today since it's close to the actual day and because it was Lily's due date. So, we will be having cake and yummy snacks tonight in honor of both our girls! This will also be the third year in a row that we will give "A" a gift. It is a sweet way to honor Lily's life and special day...and besides, we really enjoy shopping for little girls! :)

If you like hashbrowns, today is a great day to eat them in honor of little Lily. ♥ And if you do, please let me know and maybe even take a picture? It would mean a lot to me. :)

Just two days away from Lily's 3rd birthday...



  1. Aww! Good thoughts and prayers for you today!

  2. Happy 3rd Heavenly Birthday Lily!!

  3. Thinking of you sweet Hannah! I love

  4. Thinking of you and your sweet Lily, Hannah. ♡

  5. Thinking of Lily and you this week. Hugs

  6. I had hashbrowns today! Thinking of you Hannah Rose! It is incredible to see how Christ has continually been the all sufficient Provider of grace in your life! To God be the Glory!

  7. I love you and oh how i love little Spud. I never knew this was her nickname--how adorable to learn of little things like that!

  8. Grace DeWald "Aunt G"March 14, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    Had them last week.

  9. Jennifer Wilson RossMarch 14, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    ♡ ♡ ♡

  10. That is so weird, I craved them today and I ate them. So I guess Spud is on my heart.

  11. Due dates, in my opinion are unforgetable...they are for each of my kids, the five who walk and the one who soars...

  12. So glad to hear you had a wonderful day and that your sweet Lily was celebrated by many!

    As heartbreaking as it is that our babes have so many dates in common it really is quite a comfort too.

    x <3 o
