I want to share something beautiful that was done in remembrance of Lily and Luke. My blog friend, Kyla, paints rocks for babies of Heaven in honor of her daughter, Tossie, who was stillborn on September 10th, 2012. She then takes photos of the rocks at sunrise by a special tree that reminds her of her little girl.
This is what she says on her website:
I have found great comfort in seeing Tossie's name. One day as I was walking home from her Tree, I spotted a rock. The rock was beautiful by itself, but I knew that Tossie's name would be beautiful painted on the rock. So, I carried it home, got out my paints and started painting. A pink rose with her name. Simple but beautiful. The next morning I took her rock with me to her Tree. I photographed it as the sun rose behind it. The feeling I felt was amazing. It was chilly outside and when I looked at the photo of her rock with the sunrise behind it- I felt warm. That feeling continues with each rock I paint and photograph.
When requesting a painted rock, you are able to ask for the name you want, as well as what colors and symbol you'd like. For Lily, I requested a pink flower because that's her color and she's "my little flower." And for Luke, I requested a green butterfly because both the color and symbol remind me of him. Kyla was so sweet to photograph my rocks both separately and together. Aren't the rocks and photos gorgeous?
Kyla asked if she could use the picture of Lily's and Luke's rocks to be used for an ad for her page. What an honor. :)
Kyla was so sweet to mail my rocks home to me. They are now in Lily's and Luke's memory chest and box and I will treasure them always. Thank you for this very special way you are loving the babyloss community, Kyla! You are very talented and very sweet. What an amazing way you are honoring Tossie.
If you would like to request a rock for your baby, visit this link. While you're there, take some time to read Kyla's and Tossie's story and maybe even become a blog follower. :) Also, be sure to like Tossie's Tree on facebook!
As a side note, today (February 12th) is my Half-Birthday! Yes, I celebrate those even in my 20's. :)

I recently won the giveaway she hosted on her facebook page and received the blue star ornament and the rock with my son's name on it. She shipped everything so quickly and it's a pleasure communicating with her.