A precious blog reader name Angela offered to make me two pieces of Subway Art, one in honor of Lily and one in honor of Luke. She asked for the colors and words/phrases I wanted to be used. I LOVE how they turned out! It brings me to tears to think of one day framing these to hang in a hoped-for "rainbow baby's" nursery, in honor of his/her big brother and sister. :'-)
The font, layout, and colors are beautiful!
For Lily's, I requested brown and pink, which are the two colors together that remind me of her. For both, I wanted their first and middle names and their special dates. I wanted there to be similarities in them both...Lily's says, "Luke's little sister," and Luke's says, "Lily's big brother." Luke's says, "first child of my heart" and Lily's says, "first born." Lily's has her nickname "Spud" because she was due on March 14, National Potato Chip Day. :) We eat hashbrowns in her honor each year on the anniversary of the day she was due. Her name means "purity and innocence," which is exactly what she will remain forever and she is a symbol of my redemption in Christ Jesus. She is a "set-apart princess" and has a "beautiful legacy" and she will forever be "my little flower." She is my "daughter of Heaven" and "brought me back to Him." I also included "just one life," because she is just one life who never spoke a word or took a breath...yet look how God is using her mightily! None of us should ever feel like we are "just one person" and cannot make a difference in this world. It is up to God to decide what He does with our lives!
For Luke's, I requested brown and the color green that reminds me of him...I wanted it to have brown in it like Lily's to look like they go together. I included phrases from songs that remind me of Luke, such as "nothing is wasted," and "beauty will rise." I included my promise to him, "I will be your voice." I also included phrases of where I am in Christ, "forgiven and free." And a piece of my favorite quote by Corrie ten Boom, "no pit so deep," from her quote "There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." I also included the phrase "fearfully and wonderfully made" from Psalm 139:14, which is one of my favorite verses that reminds me of my babies. Shiloh means "peace," because the Lord has brought peace to my heart and I have peace knowing Luke is "safe in the arms of Jesus." And Lily was "born into the arms of Jesus." They both wait for me there...Luke means "light" and Jesus brought "darkness to light" in my life. Lily's also says "darkness to light" because they are both a part of the story of how God changed my life and brought glory to Himself.
Thank you so much, Angela! This was so sweet and thoughtful of you and I will treasure these two pieces of art always. :) You can read the story of Angela's precious son, Mattiaus, who she creates Subway Art in honor and memory of, on her lovely blog.

What a beautiful post, thank you for all your kind words! So happy with how your pieces turned out and I am honoured to have made them! xo Angela