CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF is a 31-day photography challenge for anyone who has lost a baby. All you need is the internet and a camera. It can be any type of camera and doesn't need to be fancy. You can participate on the days you want to, but are not obligated to take part in each day if you don't want to. You can share your photos on whatever social network you like. The facebook page for this event will be open for everyone to share their photos each day.
This is what Carly wrote:
"I have created 31 daily subjects. 1 for each day of the month. Some of the subjects may not entirely relate to you, or you may not feel comfortable with the subject so you are more than welcome to take a photo inspired by your own subject for that day. My subjects are simply a guideline. Below are the subjects with a few extra ideas to spark some inspiration in your heart.
If you only want to take part in a few of the days, that is great! If you want to do the full month – brilliant! The main thing is that this is a healing experience for you, and if we can all raise some awareness at the same time, that is a bonus! If you would rather keep your photos private, you are more than welcome to do that. So breathe this month in and make it just for you. A sweet idea would be to go and print all of your images at the end of the month and place them all into a special album for your memory box.
You can join in this project through your own blog or website, your favourite social media website like facebook or twitter or any photo sharing website like pinterest or instagram. This is an opportunity for you to document your grief and your healing for a month and to share it with the world through your own eyes. You can be as creative with your photographs as you please.
This project was created In Loving Memory of all the babies who died during pregnancy and the little ones that could only stay with their parents for the shortest of times. No parent should ever have to bury their child. We will speak about these precious lives. We will honour them. We will remember them."
For more information about this project and for more details on each subject, click here.
I am very excited about this photography challenge and will be sharing my photos on the event page and on my blog for each day of October!

SO excited to participate also!!!!