CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF 2012 Photography Project
for October-Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Day 10: Symbols
October 10, 2012 ♥
Day 10. Symbol: Do you have a symbol for your baby/ies/child/ren? It could be a butterfly, dragonfly, a humming-bird, dolphin, seashell, share what it is and why it is so symbolic to you.
There are a few things that remind me of my daughter.
The main things are butterflies, roses, and lilies. The middle photo was taken by Carly Marie and is perfect because it has all thee of those things.
Roses and lilies because my name is Hannah Rose and my girl's name is Lily Katherine. My blog is titled "Rose and Her Lily." If I am blessed with more girls in the future, I want to carry on the flower names, so they will always have something in common with their big sister and will hopefully feel a special connection to her through that.
Butterflies symbolize that I am born again in Christ. He makes all things new. He makes all things beautiful, in His time.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:11
My old man is dead, and my new man is alive in Christ. Lily was a part of that transformation. When Jesus brought beauty from ashes and light from the midst of my darkness...just as a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. He redeemed me and made me a new creation, by His blood.
Butterflies now hold special significance in my life. They also remind me that Lily has LIFE in Jesus and will be eternally safe in His loving arms. From my loving womb to His loving arms. Her body is whole and complete. She is a new creation. Perfect. Always.
The following is a quote from the Duggars, written about their daughter, Jubilee Shalom, who was born into Heaven in the fall of 2011. It brings me peace when I think of my own sweet girl, born into Heaven.
"She is the quiet, gentle, and peaceful picture of new
LIFE leaving the cocoon, taking flight to Heaven."
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!" ~2 Corinthians 5:17
The colors pink and brown also remind me of Lily because most of her outfits are those two colors (including what she wore at the hospital with her matching hat and blanket and what she was buried in-which was supposed to be her "going home" outfit, but turned out to be her "going HOME to Jesus" outfit. She wore the cutest brown shoes!) and I loved that.
Bunnies remind me of Lily because her entire nursery was filled with them. At her Celebration of LIFE Service and burial, I had her bunny and pillow (in picture to the left) there and held on to them while I said goodbye. You can see them in the photo I used for Day 3 of this project.
Lambs remind me of Lily because they symbolize innocence and purity, which her name means. She will forever remain pure. I am designing her headstone, which will have a little lamb sitting on top (very old-fashioned). Lambs also symbolize Jesus Christ and He is my hope. The lamb in the photo on the right is what I got at Build-A-Bear with her actual recorded heartbeat in it.
Hashbrowns also remind me of Lily because she was due on National Potato Chip Day (March 14th), so we called her Spud. :) We have made it a special tradition to eat hashbrowns in her honor each year on that date.
-To see all of my photos from the photography project, click here.
-To share your own photos on the event page and to see the lovely photos others are sharing, click here.

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