Today I want to wish a precious little boy named Marcellus Robert a Happy 1st Birthday in Heaven! Marcellus is the son of my dear friend, Morgan. You should check out her beautiful blog "Mommy and Marcellus" where she shares his life and her grief journey. I joke that I am her number one blog stalker because I have read every single word that she's written! She is a great writer and I feel like I know Marcellus through what she written and told me about him. Not only is she a blog friend, but she's a "real-life friend" who I get to see on a regular basis. We first met at a local support group last December and have really hit it off since then. We love getting together and talking about our babies. It feels so natural and it's not awkward at all to talk about headstones and grief and all that comes with being a mother to a baby in Heaven. I am thankful for her friendship :)
Marcellus was born unexpectedly early at twenty-eight weeks, 5 days gestation on October 28, 2011. Morgan and her husband, Mike, had twelve glorious days with their little guy in the NICU before he lost his battle to NEC, going home to be with Jesus on November 9, 2011.
Marcellus means "young warrior," and this sweet boy was just that. Morgan is a warrior, like her son. Before she had and lost her son, she also had and lost a daughter. Her birth daughter, Angela, was placed for adoption when Morgan was 17. The crazy thing is Angela shares a birthday with Marcellus, just nine years apart. Marcellus wasn't due until January, so it is just crazy. October 28 is a day that holds such joy and such sorrow for Morgan.
I awoke today with such a heavy heart, thinking of my friend and her children. Morgan is pregnant now and ironically is expecting her little one on March 15, the day in between Lily's due date and birthday. Please pray for her to have peace during this pregnancy and pray also that she will have a healthy baby to bring home.
It was such a joy and honor to celebrate her sweet boy's life with her on his special day. There was a balloon release and then we had cake and other yummy food and visited for a while.
Releasing balloons in honor of Marcellus
Morgan and her husband Mike reading Marcellus's story at his special tree before the release
Even through the pain Morgan has experienced in her 27 years on earth, her strength shines through. She is compassionate and makes me feel understood. I am so blessed to have this "young warrior mommy" to be my friend. Marcellus has affected so many people through his short life. He will always be loved and never forgotten, by myself and many others.
I like to think of Lily and Marcellus being friends in Heaven...maybe he is like a little brother to her. I told Morgan that I hope Lily sang to him for his special day and made a yummy cake for him with Jesus. :)
Happy Birthday, Marcellus and Angela! ♥ Love and hugs, Morgan!
This is a video tribute I made in honor of Marcellus!

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