"There is no footprint too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world."
This is how one little girl named Lily, who never once took a breath or spoke a word, has left a lasting imprint on this world. Her brief life has changed many hearts. If one baby who only ever lived inside her mother's womb can do so much, imagine what God can do with each of our yielded lives. Never feel like you are JUST ONE LIFE and cannot make a difference!
Thank you to everyone who has let me know how Lily's life has affected yours. It blesses me more than you know to see how her little life is doing so much! She did accomplish all God sent her to earth for! If you'd like to share how she has impacted you, please email me at roseandherlily@gmail.com. I will be updating as I receive new and find old emails, messages, etc.
God used Lily's life to save mine by bringing me out of my bondage and rebellion into freedom in Christ. I turned my back on all the drinking, partying, and men...because of her.
He used her LIFE to bring me to my passion and purpose, to be a voice for the voiceless. To speak up for the unborn.
He used her life to restore family relationships. Before I got pregnant, I was literally not even speaking with my family. Through her life, I came home and have gotten closer to my family than ever before.
God also healed friendships through her precious life. My best friend and I hadn't spoken in nearly a year because of our differences. When Lily was born, she came to the hospital to be there for my family. Since then, we have the sweetest, strongest friendship with Jesus at the center.
Lily has been the/a reason for many people's hearts to be opened to Jesus. Lives are being changed as eyes are opened to the truth of abortion. People are seeing the value and beauty of each individual life, created in the image of God.
This is just the beginning of Lily's legacy.
This is a first-hand account of how Lily is affecting lives all over the world:
Hannah, I came on here to reply to your message, and I was just taking a quick look through your pictures, and the Lord was definitely leading in that. I came across your story, and learned about your dear Lily, and I cannot tell you how deeply impacted and blessed I am by your story. It has pressed me deeper into the arms of our Jesus, and challenged me, and turned my eyes to see His face in a clearer, more beautiful way. There is a deep excitement and wonder within me to see how our King is going to use your yielded life to advance His Kingdom and bring Him glory in this earth, ushering many into His presence. It is indeed all for a reason, and His reasons are never mediocre - they are Heavenly! And beyond our greatest dreams. He is so good, and so utterly faithful, and I praise Him for what He is doing in your life.
From H:
I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about Lily. Your birthday blog post about her had me sobbing. I pray every night that God won't take my son home. The reason I didn't say anything before is because...Well, I'm just bad with the whole emotional thing. I've been reading your posts and blogs, and I gotta say you were the one person that could convert me into believing that pro-choice might not be the best thing. I just thought you should know.
From R:
I just wanted to say this afternoon as I was on Facebook, I saw the post you did so I clicked it and for an hour I read through your blog and precious Lily's story and the journey you have been through. I literally cried from the first word that I read until I watched the video of her life. That is an incredible story, Hannah, and it really made my heart sing to see how Lily's life drew you to the feet of Jesus, and even now she has drawn me to my Savior as I wept through her story. Sister, know that you are in my prayers. I can't even imagine what you go through on a daily basis. I just wanted to let you know that little Lily's life is still impacting people.
From H:
I just listened to your story, after having read it a few months back, and the minute you said, "okay" I started crying. I think you do a wonderful job of sharing your story. I can hear the strength of the Lord in your voice. Hearing your story was so much different than reading it. I think it's beautiful that you have the courage to share it, and what you said about Lily changing lives without even taking a breath really made me think. That little girl has changed so many lives. Your story, Lily's legacy, it has changed my life forever. It truly is amazing the way that God works. Keep sharing your story, that little girl lives on through your beautiful words. God bless you, Hannah.
From A:
I just felt the need to tell you that you're such an inspiring person to so many; all that you have been through and the positivity you have taken from it is incredible. And to share your stories for everyone to read is so brave of you and yet to all who read them - I'm sure are thankful (I know I am). Your strengh gives others strength...just by hearing what you can overcome with your wisdom as well as through God's love and selflessness. Keep doing what you're doing :)
From N:
Dear Hannah, I told myself I wouldn't email you because I'm sure you've been flooded with them...I've been looking at your profile everyday imagining what this could have been like and I cannot possibly imagine...as I sit here trying to see the screen from the tears that were brought to my eyes after reading your blog. Your daughter is beautiful and she really did look just like you amazingly. You were blessed by her. I think anyone who hears your story is. I will keep reading your blogs and crying for you because I can't imagine how broken your heart is.
From H:
I read Lily's story a couple months ago and the tears were streaming down my face before I was even half way through. After reading it, I curled up into a ball, and cried for two hours straight. It had such an impact on my life, and I think it's wonderful that you were brave enough to share your story. This may sound weird coming from a stranger, but I think about you a lot. To see you now, two years later, smiling, and being thankful for the time you had with her is inspiring. God bless you!
From E:
You are an inspiration. God has done so much through you and through Lily. I feel like my life is forever changed because I have been blessed to get to know you and your daughter.
From M:
Hannah Rose is an amazing mother to know. She is an incredible witness to the Lord and I look to the strong faith she has as guidance for myself. Today I want you to know how special, beautiful and amazing Lily is. She has changed the lives of many without even taking a breath on this earth. I never got the chance to meet or see Lily, I didn't know Hannah Rose when she was pregnant, but that doesn't matter. I feel like I know Lily. I know her through her mother. I can only hope that my son is living on as much through me as Lily is through her mommy.
From J:
Have you thought of writing a book? Maybe a collection of testimonies from mothers who went through similar situations. You are a very good writer and there will be many more lives you will save by your story. I was touched by your testimony. God bless you!
From M:
You absolutely amaze me. You take one of the most tragic, soul-wrenching situations and see it for how God meant you to. Your strength, courage and grace in such an unbearable time, literally takes my breath away. God definitely has a plan for you and I'm sure it's a wonderful one. Lily was so very beautiful and oh so blessed to have had you as her mom. It's said in the Bible that our lives here on earth are a fraction of what our life will be in Heaven. You'll be with Lily before you know it.
From W:
WOW... I can truly say you have an AMAZING testimony. I was so moved by it. I couldn't talk to my mom about it without crying! It's amazing to see how God used little Lily to reach you. He truly is amazing! And your story is powerful! Your story is dear to my heart. I watched my sister go through some of the same things. She got pregnant out of wedlock as well, but ended up miscarrying the baby. It was a heartwrenching time, but God used her situation to reach her as well. It's amazing how in our darkest hour, God reaches down and pulls us close, closer than we ever thought possible!
From N:
I read through your blog and just wanted to encourage you by sharing how amazed I was at the level of maturity, honesty, wisdom, and depth in your writings. Your testimony about where you came from and the struggles you went through was very powerful. I know I can relate to a lot of what you shared, and I think God is going to bring girls into your path whose hearts WILL be ready and who will only be willing to hear from someone who has gone through some of the issues they are going through and can relate to them. I didn't know you at all during that time, but I can say that from talking with you last summer at the wedding and reading your blogs, I see you as a strong, beautiful, and godly woman. Your heart and your love for God is absolutely beautiful, Hannah, and I believe He is going to use you to touch many women in the future. I hope this is not too weird coming from a semi-stranger! Your writings just really touched my heart tonight, and I wanted to let you know. I was at a loss for words when I was told of your beautiful Lily's passing. We cried together for you. You've been on my heart and mind constantly and I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you and your family and that we love you. I was reminded of the song "Held" by Natalie Grant which you might know, so I looked up the lyrics with you in mind and thought how amazing it was that Lily's name is mentioned in the second verse! From now on, every time I hear it I will think of Lily. You are an amazing, amazing woman, Hannah. I remember our message conversation from last year when you talked about how you wanted God to use Lily's and your story to reach other young women, and I just want to let you know that He already has. Your faithfulness and quiet strength is such an example to me, as I know it is to countless others.
From J:
I finally got to listen (and finish, since I've tried to listen before) to your testimony. You did such a great job. I know public speaking is scary, and sharing your life story even more so. I was blessed to hear it, and your story has given me more courage to speak up for the unborn. I have been so afraid to say very much for fear of ostracizing friends who may have had an abortion that I don't know about. But I feel like God is putting it on my heart more and more to just be a voice when I have the chance.
From V:
I have been following your blog for a year now and you are a wonderful person. Your daughter Lily is precious. A beautiful angel. I got hooked on your blog when I started reading it. You are very wise and mature. Your story is amazing and I think you deal with it very well.
From J:
As I watched your YouTube video, I cried. I stopped halfway, and went to go check in on my son as he was taking a nap. My tears fell on him. I want you to know how much I appreciated you sharing your story. Thank you for being courageous. Thank you so much.
From C:
I've had a chance to read your blog a couple of times. I don't know how to tell you, but it is really so uplifting. It's just so beautiful how you are graciously handling what the Lord has dealt you and that you are turning to JESUS for help and love. I know that He is so honored by that. It's amazing how He glorifies Himself through tragedies like that, isn't it? And He reveals Himself to us in tremendous ways during those dark times. Praise the Lord for His mercies!
From J:
Hannah, this story is just so beautiful and powerful. Lily has had an impact on this world and it is a better place for her having passed this way.
From S:
This is the most beautiful story I have ever witnessed about how Jesus truly loves to work a new life in our heart. What a Creator!
From J:
I am sooo very sorry that Lily is no longer with you. I can't even begin to imagine what that is like. But again I thank God for giving you peace that passes all understanding. I know the Lord will use you mightily to help reach others. Thank you for sharing your heart for Him.
From A:
Thank you, Hannah....I've read your story on your blog and find your story to be so inspiring. Thank you for continuing to share.
Lily, this is a tribute to your precious LIFE and all God did in me and so many others because of YOU. I will forever praise Him for the gift of you...thank you, sweet girl...

Oh wow, Hannah Rose. What a gift.