The Pro-Life group, Live Action, is known nationwide for their undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics for their illegal and unethical behavior. The latest video that was released by Protect Our Girls: A Project of Live Action shows two clinics in North Carolina who are participating in gendercide.
Gendercide: Refers to the systematic killing of members of a specific sex. Sex-selection abortion is defined as 'an abortion undertaken for the purpose of eliminating a child of an undesired sex.'
Most people think of other cultures such as China and India when they think of people preferring one sex over the other. What most people don't realize is that it is happening right here in America! And right here in North Carolina, just down the road from me!
In the video, the clinic in Raleigh is the very clinic I have been to several times to pray for unborn babies and their mothers and fathers. It is right across the street from where Lily was born. And the clinic in Chapel Hill is where I was praying when I met the founder of 40 Days for Life, Shawn Carney, in spring 2011.
The House recently rejected the sex-selective abortion ban. What, I ask, has this country turned into?! We, as a country, condemn other countries that permit the practice, yet we have not restricted it or banned it! In fact, much of our tax dollars go to organizations that take part in sex-selective abortion!
We MUST pray to end abortion now and FIGHT to protect both the unborn and the men and women affected by abortion!
-Learn more about sex-selective abortion.
-See all the undercover videos exposing sex-selective abortion.

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