Thursday, June 28, 2012

Babyloss Shadow Box

I have been wanting to make a shadow box with Lily's things for a long time, but didn't know how to go about it. I didn't know where I could get an affordable one and I didn't exactly know what I had in mind.

I was at T.J. Maxx shopping a couple weeks ago and looking in the clearance section. It was there I found a beautiful shadow box for 50% off-only $20! Right away, I knew it was perfect for my room and for Lily's things.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to add in my shadow box, but knew I wanted at least some specific things in it. I don't like having Lily's hand and footprints in her memory chest all the time. I like to be able to see them every day, rather than going through her chest just to look at them.

My room isn't very big, so the shadow box is quite small. I didn't want it to be too cluttered, so decided on having just a few things in it. I decided on including Lily's hand and footprints, her foot impression, and the hat she wore at the hospital right after birth. These are some of the most tangible memories I have of Lily and it's really special to have them displayed to see daily and to share with others. I also added a beautiful butterfly card that my best friend, Kala, gave me last year for Babylost Mother's Day. Butterflies are very symbolic to me and I wanted to cover up that dreadful leaf with a teardrop on it.

my Lily Shadow Box

There are lots of ways to do a shadow box in memory of your baby.

Here are some ideas for you:

1. Decide how big and what shape you want your shadow box to be. Where do you want it to be displayed and what are you planning on putting in it-this should help you make your decision. Do some shopping in local stores or online, or if you or your husband is a handyman, consider making one. This could be a real labor of love to make something special for your baby. Do you want it painted a certain color or solid wood?

2. Next, decide what you want the background of your box to be. I found beautiful butterfly wrapping paper at World Market, which I then cut out to fit in my shadow box. There was quite a bit left over to use for scrapbook pages and other things. What reminds you of your baby? Do you want a solid color or something on it?

3. What items do you want placed in it? Will it be displayed somewhere private or in a room where friends and family will see it-this might help you decide what to put. What things of your baby do you want to always be able to see? Do you want it to look neat or do you want more things in it?

Some ideas for items to include are:

  • baby's footprints and handprints
  • hospital bracelets, hat, outfit, blanket, shoes
  • foot molds or impressions
  • lock of baby's hair
  • your baby's name or first letter of name
  • decorations such as flowers
  • special things from your pregnancy
  • dried flowers from memorial service
  • photos of your baby (ultrasound photos and/or photos of his/her face and you holding him/her)
  • a Willow Tree
  • your baby's Birth Certificate
  • a poem or a letter written to your baby
  • other sacred keepsakes that remind you of your baby

These are merely suggestions for how to go about making a shadow box in honor and memory of your baby. I hope it at least helps give you some inspiration to get started. Really whatever you want to add will be perfect and beautiful. I'd love to have you share photos of your shadow box or ideas you have for making one! :)

Much love and hugs,


  1. Oh I love it. Thanks for the inspiration, and showing us how it's done. I've been wanting to do something like this but didn't know how.

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! I want to do one, thanks for all the ideas :)

  3. I love your shadow box!! It's beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing your creativity Hannah. Love the colour you chose. I made one after my son was born also, they have so much potential...

  5. Love this!!.. I so need to make one of these..

  6. beautiful, I think you'll inspire everyone to make one x

  7. I made a shadow box too for my baby girl. It's adorable and so meaningful. PS I love your blog!
