My mom showed me this article about a woman who was faced with this very question. Please take the time to read the precious story of Tricia, a mother with cystic fibrosis who chose LIFE, even when it would have been easy to choose the other way, saving herself. All the doctors advised Tricia and her husband Nathan to consider "terminating" their long-awaited, long-prayed-for pregnancy, yet, this selfless mother said, "We'd prayed for years for a child and now couldn't tell God, 'Thanks, but no thanks."
There is much more to the story and I don't want to give it all away. Click here to read the article, featured in Ladies' Home Journal. I pray it brings hope and strength to whoever reads it and opens our eyes yet again to the sanctity of unborn life and the sacredness of each day. Each moment is a gift. This story reminds us that God gives and God takes away ~Job 1:21. It is Him who calls us home and no man. His timing and ways are always perfect. On her blog, Tricia said, "At the beginning, it was not recommended for me to continue my pregnancy, but I held onto God's promises. I held on with all my strength to my faith."
Look what our Great God has done!
Read Tricia's blog here.
Read Nathan's blog here.
Look what our Great God has done!
Read Tricia's blog here.
Read Nathan's blog here.



Thanks for sharing Hannah. It would be such a heartbreaking decision to make and I am so in awe of this woman's courage. I honestly don't know what I would do. I have 2 living children so I would have to think of them growing up without me. But i am so adamantly against abortion. It would be a very tough call.