Although Amanda and I have very different testimonies, the Lord has decided to write each of us a story of choosing LIFE in situations where the world would say abortion is the way to go. Being in an unplanned pregnancy, many people thought I should have aborted Lily. I shudder to think what a different person I would be today if it weren't for her life! He used her life to change mine and I would never go back. I would never choose a different way. Amanda shares how she too is a better person because of her daughters, "I had no faith before this and now look, I have God in my life. I can see my life changing for the better with having the babies because it has brought me so close to God." Doctors and other well meaning people in Amanda's life told her termination was her best option. Some people even went so far as to tell her she was being selfish because she chose not to have an abortion. On her blog, Amanda writes, "The doctor said the babies won't make it and termination is the best option. I never returned back to her office. When she told me the news, I broke down. I wasn't thinking about abortion...I was thinking will they survive, not I want them to die!"
On her blog, she speaks about fear and being brave because the Lord is always with us and will give us strength:
"The Lord is with everyone, including my babies. We are all afraid at some point because of fearing the unknown. But, God is telling us to not be afraid. We need to believe in Him and trust in Him. Jesus wants us to be brave in those difficult moments and have faith. So, I'm reaching out to God in need of help and He will help, there is no doubt about that."
I have found myself wondering how Amanda has gotten through and continues to get through such a difficult journey. But, the Lord has reminded me that He is the Sustainer and Life-Giver! So many people have asked me how I got through what I've been through, but it's not been me, it's Him! It reminds me of one of my favorite stories that Corrie ten Boom shares in her book, The Hiding Place. One day Corrie asked her Papa what she would do if a horrible trial were to come to her. She asked how she'd handle it. He then asked her when they go on a train trip, when does He give her the ticket? "Well right before we get on the train," she responded. So our Heavenly Father gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. He gives us the strength, grace, and peace to get through all things, not a second before, but the exact moment we need it. So whoever you are that's reading this and you're going through a difficult time, call out to the Lord and ask Him for perseverance and strength and trust Him to meet you where you are. Or maybe you are worried and fretting over what could happen in the future and you don't think you could make it through such difficult times. Well, you're couldn't alone. But, by His grace, all things are possible! (Mark 9:23) Trust He will be there to sustain you!
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." -Matthew 6:34
The following is an excerpt from Amanda's blog:
"Faith Rosemarie and Hope Lillian were born September 6th 2011.
Weighing a total of 8 lbs. 10 oz.
Born crying and kicking.
The girls lenghth was 15 1/2 inches.
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of them.
Time they were born is 9:24 am.
We celebrate each day at 9:24 their beautiful life they share together.
The girls have lots of soft brown hair and the prettiest eyes.
God is good and He knows what He is doing.
I'm so honored to call them my children.
September 6th was a day miracles happened.:)
I gave birth to the 2 most beautiful conjoined twins.
I love everything about them!!
The doctors and nurses were amazing.
My c-section was a miracle and could possibly have natural child birth in future pregnancies.
Thanks everyone who's praying for my little precious gifts from God.
I sit with them all day waiting patiently to soon one day get to hold them in my arms.
I cry tears of joy, that God made them so perfect. (at least in my eyes and anyone who has met them)
I can't express enough how much I adore and love them!!
We aren't sharing pictures.
But we would love to show off these true beauties that God created.
Again thank you for the support and I love you all. :)"
For anyone who knows Lily's story, you know how much I cherish the meaning of Lily's name and how the Lord gave it to me. I was SO blessed by how the Lord gave Amanda her daughter's names. She shared on her blog back in July, "My doctor didn't think I would make it very far in the pregnancy and look I'm 7 months pregnant now. I never gave up hope and faith!"
I have been so uplifted and encouraged in reading about Faith, Hope, and Amanda. I see why the Lord chose to give Amanda such a platform because she is being HIS voice for unborn life. He has given her HIS heart for babies, even those the world looks at as "less than perfect." As Gianna Jessen says, "there are things that you will only be able to learn by the weakest among us." The Lord knows what He's doing and has a wonderful plan for us all. What an honor and a delight to share in the celebration of precious Faith and Hope! Imagine what the world would be missing if Amanda had chosen to "terminate" her pregnancy. Anyone is a better person for knowing them or knowing about them. Doctors told Amanda she would probably have a miscarriage, but here the girls are already two weeks old and bringing so much joy to everyone around them. God's ways are far better than mans!
Amanda writes, "I am so comforted in knowing that God is in control, it's in His hands. I am fully trusting in the Lord, He is our hope, He can make anything happen. Creating these beautiful conjoined twin girls Faith and Hope was not a surprise to Him. He allowed this to happen and I am so thankful that the Lord has chosen me to be their mother."
I will end with this quote that has meant a great deal to me and I pray it blesses others in unplanned pregnancies, pregnancies that the doctor says should be terminated, and others who have had a stillborn child or lost a baby for any reason. God is so good and has a purpose for each life, whether one lives 100 years or less than 100 days. Praise Him!
"The amount of time on earth matters very little: a man can live in greed and pride 90 years and never find God, know Him or accomplish His Plan. A stillborn baby (or conjoined twins) on the other hand, teach people to love, bring people to the Lord, teach us the tenuous nature of life and teaches us a faith that those who have not suffered can never know. A child who has never taken a breath can have an impact greater than a famous preacher. The purpose of life is not ours to decide nor in our hands: it is brought about by God." -Author Unknown
If you'd like to write Amanda and give her encouragement or tell her how her story has affected and blessed you, visit her blog by clicking on the link below. There is also a donate button on her blog so you can contribute to the fundraiser for her conjoined twin daughters, if you'd like:
Faith and Hope and Love

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